Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Christmas this year was one we will not forget. We spent Christmas in Georgia with my family for the first time in 15 years. It was great being with everyone. We had Christmas Eve with my brother Mike and Suzan and there were about 16 of us there for dinner. They had the food catered and we had Fish, fried shrimp, hushpuppies, french fries, coleslaw and of course a Georgia tradition cheese grits. In Georgia you can't have a fish fry with out the grits.
They set up tables and the food in their car garage. Their garage is nicer than some peoples houses.

yes- there is a christmas tree in their garage! nice huh!
So, with all the Christmas stuff put away and waiting for the new year to come in I have a list of " want to do's for the year"
1. Clean out closets and box up the kids clothes for consignment.
2. do some painting in the house
3. Get the downstairs hardwood floors down. ( one room at a time)
4. Exercise at the "y" at least 2- 3 nights a week
5. Start scrapbooking again- way way too behind in this.
I will keep you posted on all my progress!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what we had for dinner on Monday night at my Mom's house! Plus a house full of relatives too.

After the ChatandChew Chics Lunch - me, Debbie and Tina went to Classic to check out their after Christmas Sale. I forgot that Suzan was married to Mike - I just remembered her as my 7th grade teacher! Too weird - but very cool.